Friday, August 18, 2017

Calm in diaspora

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There is a calm in diaspora that elevates the desperate to the sanity of oblivion. One can never be too certain what lies on the other side of the door but a willing heart will venture in the spirit of adventure.

Damn the earth and its birth
Calm the breath even with dirt

Like a rowing boat on a cold night sea
She meanders through life with what she see

Gone with the wind was her personality
lost in sea was the true reasons of reality

The storms, the quakes and lightning came,
Lost amidst the debris of disaster and shame

In tears and pains she shed her grief
regrets and solitude deny not her relief

A choice of doing nothing did become her reality
Isolation of person did expose her true sensuality

oh that hunger, thirst from the perceived surround
far from thy preying eyes she has come to abound

That calm in diaspora sets in, as every time passes
Damn the potentials she once held through classes

When all was lost, she look amidst her flaws for blames
Certain she knew it all, she sets up to play her games

In war, we fight to protect our territory
In life we must fight to reveal our repository

"Behold I have been given a new reason to walk the earth upon which I dread; behold the earth reaffirms what it always knows to be a fact: no one is truly gentle in life's tourney."

She took strength from the seas of disappointments, walked amidst the state of ineptitude, ignored the noise of intimidation and with head held high, gave back the world the only gift she could divulge: a beauty smile.

The door way to happiness was in the distant past
The journey thereof was through forgiveness fast

hidden in a smile and war embrace
still remain the weak with grace

For I was lost, and now found.
Forgotten but not forsaken.
Embittered but never disassociated.

The road was stony and rocky,
but it takes more to give some.

Oh that the memory of the past hovers
But that new glory in the present lovers

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