Friday, September 8, 2017

The Exotic camp

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The letter of invitation laid on the table amidst the piles of debt notification.  As i opened it hoping it was a job notification, rather an invitation for my whole family to a unique camp of expensive taste.

No one invites a family of four; myself, loving wife and two beautiful kids, to a camp at Gregory composite for a weekend vacation for free. I was wondering when i applied for this vacation and how it ended on my table. Calling my wife that morning, Lisa to confirm if she knew anything about such free offer and why we were chosen.

She got excited and all she wanted was to start parking for the weekend out from our state of poverty and lack. You see, we were a family struggling for our daily meal and having just recently lost my job due to the recession as well as being the only breadwinner in the house. The kids have been out of school for months due to fees and yet this offer worth over $10,000 with a clause to win about $250,000 if we compete in some of the chosen games mentioned with little details.

Having a sense of suspicions on anything in life that comes cheap and free, i declined the offer and seeing the anger in my wife's face, i rather face that than venture in an offer that might appear detrimental to the state of affairs of my family. Oh we fought for days afterwards and i was forced to push for income resourceful jobs which took over a week to overcome.

On the day i resumed my first job after all these while, i was opportune to lunch with colleagues out and someone started a discussion about an event that happened at Gregory composite on the weekend of the week prior. It struck a memory to the letter i received and following the conversation, i realized that a lot of Black African families were invited to this event and many lost their whole family for a chance to be with a new one.

The details were not much as to why and what happened to their family but a total death toll was over 500 kids and so many African mothers. Many of these African men are no longer living in their former homes and have been moved into various homes in the high class regions with new wives and a wealthy life style.

They drive expensive cars, buy expensive clothes and have huge job offers all for the act of sacrificing their family of great importance. Having this story at the back of my mind, i got home with my day check and decided to apologize to my wife personally, begging her to help find out about this tales i just found out from her close friends in the hood.

The day when i arrived, i was surprised to the invitation of smiles, joys and happiness that filled my home, my resting place from all the hustles and bustles. I felt peace and joy from within and later that night, oh what a wonderful sex we had that she told me the details missing in my story that i almost weep in joy for that discerning spirit that allowed my though difficult choice but appreciated output.

How could a man sell his right to be a father, husband and breadwinner for an exotic life style and fancy world acquisition at the expense of the blood shed of his wife and kids. What does this amount to for the future of our generations to come?
exotic camp

Greed has become our creed and the need to bleed our essence in our deed has taken over our breed.

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