Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Congratulations we drove humans out of the Farm

The shame we dare not claim is as walking a path we can never accomplish. Taking a Farm tale (The Animal Farm) into reality is nothing less meaningful than making a nation into a puppet of personal delusion.

Nigeria has always been led by great minds and the personal interest of the people had always been considered before targeted decisions were ever put to play.

Today we see an unwavering ideal that only when trouble looms in the air, do we consider that fact that humans exist as Nigerians, in order words if they do not complain, they are fully okay and in control.

Decisions to sign into power that 70k minimum wage has been wavering for a period of time till the sounds of the protester's drums came at our doorstep, sending the hierarchy of powers to a place of hiding...

The democracy of our times like the days of Napoleon in the Animal Farm is no different, where you are promised better cause they want you to eradicate the other problem they have, which is yet another goon gone bad.

The 'dogs' has long been trained in the pit of chaos and trouble using music and drugs as instruments of indoctrination and miscommunication. Dogs, thugs and 'Agbero' are no different in this time cause they have one and only one master Napoleon, who detects their every move and action.

Now Bags of Rice has appeared from hidden silos, offering for free to the destitutes, desperates and delusioned, many will gobble up in times as hard as this and back to the election saga once again. Are you still daft and ignorant to see the game played against the future of your well being, your children and their prospective futures...

Promises are voiced in the wind, filling the air with green, alluring imaginative flavours of things that will never be, while senior co-pepetrators are seeking escape off our shores alongside their genepool down lines, what does that say to the average Nigerian?

Attack on a simple way of living by goons of democracy is not to be taking lightly, cause if the basic system of nature is tampered with by the greed of politicians, we will soon pay for every step we take on this free earth as well as every air we suck into our lungs... The greed knows no meter, that even a struggling POS service provider has been set up to pay his dues to the government, after his assistance in mobilizing the new cashless policy.

When will this end?

Today the dogs have taken to the street as Napoleon has instructed to fight any act of revolution against the indecency meaded on innocent struggling citizens of the Farm. Every animal are the same, they say but some are more equal than the other cause their mission in controlling the feud is valuable...

A nation built with sentiments, mediocrity and tribalism must fail, no matter how much it seems to be packaged and justified, the inward truth is far deeper than the surface can scratch. No healing can come on this act, and it is definitely sure that a revolution is imminent, your believe or no believe has nothing to do with it, cause it is basic human nature when backed against the wall.

Napoleon you have stolen a Mandate

A Leo who

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Friday, April 23, 2021

Instances with the replication factor

The ideas we could embrace in life has made millions for business owners for years and surprisingly, many CEOs are yet to embrace this factor as the core of their potential success.

No one can succeed in idleness or in dependency on income within stipulated time frame. Your salary could be a million, I bet your tax will be a huge chunk of that tiny piece and the "bukata" that comes with that expectation will hit you long before the cash is made available to you.

Are you self aware of your possible income source? Is it depending on your personal skill in marketing, sales or production? Which ever you find yourself in at this time, build for yourself a steady source that when mapped on paper, can be replicated to give you a viewed scale to a maximum that beats the poverty bridge.

Let us guide your business idea and build you a business that will be sustainable for your expenses, your children and most important your parents needing assistance for health and wealth maintenance.

Take a cue from the popular Nigerian musician called "Naira Marley" and how he has applied the rules of the replication factor by imposing his ideals and concept via music to a lot of youths in the Lagos province and possibly other parts of the country. 

Can you do the same? Yes you can but my assurance for your venture is that you can start with as little as nothing and build your business to the next level of your income source.

Seek to know more about the replication factor and apply to your business in whatever capacity, you will see a growth in your income that beats your imagination.
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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Saturday, September 9, 2017


Kicked out of her home with a notion of traditional accusations on her husbands success in business and ability to have a male son, devastated in the fear of knowing nothing about the world struggle and challenges in income, she headed to her friend way on the other side of town, who was recently widowed.

In open arms she was received, with a filled dining table she was hosted alongside her little 5 year old daughter, Boke; innocent of the world we live in but accused of what she knew nothing about and will definitely always wonder why her very own father will kick her out of his home. Seated around the table were Moremi, her widowed friend, her beautiful daughter Jainy, who is a year older than Boke.

Moremi has been a single mother since the lost of her husband and has been left in charge of series of supermarkets she had had to learn appropriately how to manage. She had been to several courses and classes to understand the rudiments of money management, financial acquisitions and business incorporation. She had grown from a simple shy girl of their teens to a bold industrious woman holding the reins of her staff in check as they complete each days task in her several business locations.

Jainy hardly stays home as well cause she had always been from one day care center to the other to allow her mom the space and time to complete what she called, "building a better future". Her joy now knows no bound that i will home with her and my sweet daughter to guide them appropriately in the education of life, science and discipline while helping then get to school and back at appropriate times.

my new life integration was so smooth that with loads of time on my hands, i had even seek the consent of a lawyer and more so advisers for the best approach to get my husband back. It even got worse that another has replaced my presence on our matrimonial home and the rage and jealousy i feel knows no bound but for the smile of innocent in my daughters face, i could have never made it.

in my battle for a lost cause, i forgot the need my dear friend lacked and seem so consume on my desire to get back to the way things were but to no avail. It was a desire for the uneventful and a fight for no apparent future.

My daughter was attending a great school, my meals are well garnished by the house maids and my life was filled with the glamour offered by a friendship i never knew could be this attainable but i was in search of a woman i knew, a stay at home mother with no connections with the world and dependent on a husband of whom activities i never could predict as well as cover for in public places when it opens up.

today i have my degree in fashion and style, i own a shopping complex with lavish style, drive my own car and in love with a friend whose affection for my freedom and liberation was a her passion and gift of a second chance at life. i still reside in the mansion we share together, we cater for each other with the zeal that exceeds friendship and take care of our kids like never before.

The transcendence from our former state of mind to the present did not go unnoticed and a lot of water has passed under yet we stand in the principle of seeking women in their state of diaspora to be liberated from a culture of delimitation by traditional and cultural degradation and insults.

There is life after divorce and better choices in the invariant future but we must as a group seek the desire to live amidst our challenges and aim for the peak of our existence on this planet we call earth. You are not an idea of a person but rather a person and once you keep to that position of your personality being higher than self, you will accomplish more than you have ever hoped to dream about.

In three months time, i will be getting married to a man worthy of my love, his consistency to be with me has driven him crazy in many aspect of his life but he never seem to want to limit me and my adventures in a box. I hope in due time you find your feet and feel exasperated like i do right now cayuse the life of freedom and liberation from a four cornered prison of doubt will unleash your potential beyond your human sense.


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Friday, September 8, 2017

The Exotic camp

The letter of invitation laid on the table amidst the piles of debt notification.  As i opened it hoping it was a job notification, rather an invitation for my whole family to a unique camp of expensive taste.

No one invites a family of four; myself, loving wife and two beautiful kids, to a camp at Gregory composite for a weekend vacation for free. I was wondering when i applied for this vacation and how it ended on my table. Calling my wife that morning, Lisa to confirm if she knew anything about such free offer and why we were chosen.

She got excited and all she wanted was to start parking for the weekend out from our state of poverty and lack. You see, we were a family struggling for our daily meal and having just recently lost my job due to the recession as well as being the only breadwinner in the house. The kids have been out of school for months due to fees and yet this offer worth over $10,000 with a clause to win about $250,000 if we compete in some of the chosen games mentioned with little details.

Having a sense of suspicions on anything in life that comes cheap and free, i declined the offer and seeing the anger in my wife's face, i rather face that than venture in an offer that might appear detrimental to the state of affairs of my family. Oh we fought for days afterwards and i was forced to push for income resourceful jobs which took over a week to overcome.

On the day i resumed my first job after all these while, i was opportune to lunch with colleagues out and someone started a discussion about an event that happened at Gregory composite on the weekend of the week prior. It struck a memory to the letter i received and following the conversation, i realized that a lot of Black African families were invited to this event and many lost their whole family for a chance to be with a new one.

The details were not much as to why and what happened to their family but a total death toll was over 500 kids and so many African mothers. Many of these African men are no longer living in their former homes and have been moved into various homes in the high class regions with new wives and a wealthy life style.

They drive expensive cars, buy expensive clothes and have huge job offers all for the act of sacrificing their family of great importance. Having this story at the back of my mind, i got home with my day check and decided to apologize to my wife personally, begging her to help find out about this tales i just found out from her close friends in the hood.

The day when i arrived, i was surprised to the invitation of smiles, joys and happiness that filled my home, my resting place from all the hustles and bustles. I felt peace and joy from within and later that night, oh what a wonderful sex we had that she told me the details missing in my story that i almost weep in joy for that discerning spirit that allowed my though difficult choice but appreciated output.

How could a man sell his right to be a father, husband and breadwinner for an exotic life style and fancy world acquisition at the expense of the blood shed of his wife and kids. What does this amount to for the future of our generations to come?
exotic camp

Greed has become our creed and the need to bleed our essence in our deed has taken over our breed.
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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Single Mother

i look to my kids and all i see is fear
i call on my God and though he is near
yet disappointments sets in from the rear
i can only attack my situation like a bear

the work starts from a powerful hand held kiss
with every seconds i know i will always miss
the struggles i endured overtime and hiss
yet the results were but my endless bliss

single mother

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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Anchor of Hope

Oh beauty became my name
Thy bright light upon my fame
Unbeknownst, was a secret game
This knowledge of self, i did tame

Like a handout, my heart i gave
Crushing barriers, my way i pave
Left now my body amidst the grave
No thoughts ever my legs to shave

How handsome that day he stood
Sweeping me far from my mood
Behold i gave all, my womanhood
What a shame, he just was no good

Oh heavens, to you i had to tear
every night and day my grief i wear
packages of joy i have in stern fear
they will always remain my dear

My heart calls to your world of pain
i cannot assure your will assured gain
Willing to get hands painted in stain
you definitely will have enough grain

hear me oh lost soul with hope
i call to thee to learn to cope
from my grave i offer thee scope
To see the world beyond each rope.

anchor of hope

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Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Abortionist

I might call them the "Abortionist" but you prefer to call them the abortion Specialist. This does make them appear like they know what they are doing when it comes to the elimination of life of these innocent fetus and babies yet unborn. They invariably add some class to their true nature and since we adore these titles and forget the acts they perpetuate.

Every idea ever generated in your mind came from a pre-existing one; it could be a will to make something else serve the world better or rebuilt of a lost idea from ages past. These Abortionist are not too far from your options, they live all and around you with one simple goal: abort your dream.

Like a fetus, it grows and builds with time and as long as you give your time to it, allow the right meals(knowledge) at all times. The choice to hold on to it and make it work is influenced by what you might perceive the world is expecting from us.

"am i going to give birth to a monster?" you might want to ask from time to time.
"Is it going to be a boy or girl?" still thinking ...

Why do we waste time on something we cannot control and loose focus on the only thing we have every right to change. I have the right to change my ideals, change my perspective and loose sight of negativity, why should i anticipate others thoughts when their thoughts means less than nothing to my strong willed mind.

I am not here to be for or against these "Abortionist", neither am i here to speak on their behalf in any way, but when we can understand the depth of these acts and how the decision came into existence in the mind of unsuspecting, desperate mothers, you might just understand where you stand.

It does not matter who you are but i can assure you that you have had encounter in many ways with these abortionist. They could be a family member who sees you far below your self made and chosen standard or your best friends who will rather die than see you make something new they have no clue how to manage on your behalf.

There are the unknowns, who sees your idea as a threat to their undecided minds and cowardice to venture and make mistakes of their own. The wolves are waiting for your idea to make an impact and them swoop in to take over using the only weapon they can afford; intimidation and money.

If your pregnancy was an option of birth that results in a strange offspring like the golden goose. Will you have to abort? If Medicine finds a tool that tells you the future status of your child before you get into the theater, will you still do it if he/she appears promising in the future?

So why do we kill every dream that comes to mind at anytime of our life? Is it to please your friends who think your idea sucks and will be a waste of time and ideal or to please you family member who knows for certain in their strange way that you will never amount to anything but a low life.

Do not give these abortionist the power over your future, they may be right in their suggestions and that is a good thing. Being right in 100% of a suggestion does not make the fact stick forever. As humans we stand a chance to turn a new leaf no matter the circumstance we find ourselves, we are not fixed character creatures like the other animals or plants in the environment. A dog cannot be nothing but a dog, a tree cannot be nothing but a tree, you on the other hand are a diverse creature and whatever you set your mind to will either be won over or die trying.

Professionals and well meaning personalities have been known to be affiliated to this archaic form of practice that even civilization as we know today, seem to have undermined its ramifications.

Behind the curtains of life is a true selfishness that many has lost in the name of misunderstood religious practices and portraying a great character to win people to your side of the table. You must reawaken your selfishness like a child who fights for his toy and will get knocked down yet he wins back his toy and comes back home, turn, wounded but with a beaming smile of victory written with smiles all over his face.

Focus on you and see what that gets you. You cannot tell me about your ideas if you have no bruises to show about your fights and struggles. What do you want in life? What drives your existence? what makes you tick daily and allows you the courage to fight another day? Seek it, find it, know it and dont back down on that ideal cause wherever you find yourself, these should be your armor, shield and weapon against the "Abortionist" everywhere.

Future Leaders, Writers, Programmers, Business Tycoon as well as Revolutionary Criminals could have been given a chance at life; decisions of a weak minded soul with frail perspective on the future has never allow just a glimpse of their existence to mean something to the unborn.
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Friday, August 18, 2017

Calm in diaspora

There is a calm in diaspora that elevates the desperate to the sanity of oblivion. One can never be too certain what lies on the other side of the door but a willing heart will venture in the spirit of adventure.

Damn the earth and its birth
Calm the breath even with dirt

Like a rowing boat on a cold night sea
She meanders through life with what she see

Gone with the wind was her personality
lost in sea was the true reasons of reality

The storms, the quakes and lightning came,
Lost amidst the debris of disaster and shame

In tears and pains she shed her grief
regrets and solitude deny not her relief

A choice of doing nothing did become her reality
Isolation of person did expose her true sensuality

oh that hunger, thirst from the perceived surround
far from thy preying eyes she has come to abound

That calm in diaspora sets in, as every time passes
Damn the potentials she once held through classes

When all was lost, she look amidst her flaws for blames
Certain she knew it all, she sets up to play her games

In war, we fight to protect our territory
In life we must fight to reveal our repository

"Behold I have been given a new reason to walk the earth upon which I dread; behold the earth reaffirms what it always knows to be a fact: no one is truly gentle in life's tourney."

She took strength from the seas of disappointments, walked amidst the state of ineptitude, ignored the noise of intimidation and with head held high, gave back the world the only gift she could divulge: a beauty smile.

The door way to happiness was in the distant past
The journey thereof was through forgiveness fast

hidden in a smile and war embrace
still remain the weak with grace

For I was lost, and now found.
Forgotten but not forsaken.
Embittered but never disassociated.

The road was stony and rocky,
but it takes more to give some.

Oh that the memory of the past hovers
But that new glory in the present lovers
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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Onion Rings

Every peal of the onion ring brings tears to the eyes, every day in our lives brings its pains and gains, yet we still do not have any reason not to venture in a world filled with opportunities.

The beginning of desperate time is just a time when you have no clue what to do, to combat a situation but we forget that in every thing that needs to be done, we must willing to undo the things that has been done.

A mother looks upon his struggling children and sees the defects in their everyday lives with existence and wonder deep within her innermost soul, where she went wrong. A father diminishes his will power cause he sees his sons and daughter are not meeting up with the standards he has set and defines them as they truly are.

Your boss looks to you and sees that you are not contributing to the idea of the group and you definitely have to go. Even your wife defines you as she hears about you with her friends in gossips and forget the experience of persons that truly matters

where did we miss out our true humanity cause? Why have we forgotten what it truly means to be a human. Why is the world filled with so much hatred on ideas generated by a single person or a single group that makes the other groups so silent in the advocacy of truth and reality.

Amidst you are the noise makers but they have been shut down with something as unbelievable as a bribe and they just sold their birth right for a brighter more challenging future than they will ever get.

We fear the onion rings cause as humans we are similar in every nature of it. Every layers gives us the ideal of simplicity but we shed them only when we feel it is necessary not when we are supposed to.

As the infamous Apostle Paul said, when i was a child i acted like one but as i became a man, i did away with the childish things... When will we do away with our childish ignorance, inconsistency and irrelevancy in our daily ways of living.

You get into an office where you seem right for the job, everything adds up that the job is yours but because someone wants another to earn that salary instead of you, you loose it to a much more incompetent idiot and then we sing hallelujah and say God is in control.

Remember one fact and that is a finite one which has no religiosity or abnormality attached, you will die and leave this earth. It don't matter if it is this moment, sometime in the future or never, the world cannot occupy anyone with same state of foolishness for too long.

Truth always finds it's way to the mind of the ignorance even when they fight and challenge it itself. A mission impossible starts with you choosing the right place to become the true natured person that you are and follow the dreams in your heart and not some ideas that pleases the ideals of a ghost or someone you think you know so well.

When all is set and the truth is revealed, you will start with that tears that makes the onion ring unique in its ways. Shed every layer from your self that denies you the opportunity to be the best in your self and reveals the elevator that lifts you to a higher purpose in this ongoing ever changing world of disguise and inconsistency.

Are you willing to shed those layers?
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